GIG5105 Critical Issues in Education

This course is an elective. It discusses critical issues in the field of education covering topics such as: education in Indonesia: critical introduction, neoliberalism and language policy, linguistic imperialism, global Englishes, English as a medium of instruction, language assessment, language socialization in multicultural context, culturally relevant pedagogy, emerging technologies, language and literacy practices in digitally connected world, teaching in digitally mediated world, teacher professional development, and education for sustainable development. This course is design to help students to be aware of critical issues in education, able to discuss them, and able to provide possible solution to the problem in the field.

GIG 5103 Instructional Design Development

This course focuses on the application of instructional design principles to the development of instruction. It will assist students in reflecting upon major concepts, synthesizing the knowledge base, and demonstrating appropriate applications toward the design and development of a solution to an instructional problem in education environment (e.g. schools and professional development). Topics include contemporary issues and trends in instructional design, foundations in learning research, requirements for instruction, task and needs analysis, learning situations and instructional models, learner characteristics, technology innovations, assessing instructional outcomes, and factors affecting utilization.